Policy for Serving Children with Disabilities:
If a child has been diagnosed with any medical condition, we ask to be notified during enrollment to ensure appropriate placement within our program. Detailed records of evaluation conducted by medical professionals are also required. Our Family Support Staff, Disabilities Coordinator and other consultants will work with new families to ensure that all professional recommendations are addressed. The center does not provided transportation, but we will work with your preferred transportation provider to ensure the child arrives to and from necessary outside service calls should that need arise.
Accident Policy
If a child has an accident at school that does not require emergency medical or dental treatment, the parent will be called immediately to inform them. The parent may decide to come and get their child or leave them at the center until the end of the day. Teachers write accident reports, which they sign along with the Director and the parent. Parents receive a copy of this report for their own records.
University Child Care only provides general liability insurance for accidents that occur at the center. All parents need to provide their own medical insurance for their children.
Medical Emergency Procedure
Our childcare program strives to provide a safe environment for all the children and staff.
All staff of UCC are CPR & First Aid Certified. In the event of a medical emergency, we will immediately secure the safety of the injured child, as well as any children who are directly involved with the incident. We then contact the parent or person listed on the emergency release form if the parent is unavailable. We continue to call individuals listed on your child’s contact list until we reach someone who can come provide a comforting support for the upset and injured child.
If your child requires immediate emergency care, paramedics will be called to provide transportation to the nearest hospital. A familiar staff member will accompany the child and await the arrival of the parent or other authorized persons.
All parents are responsible for any medical bills incurred as a result of medical treatment.
Staff must complete an Ouchie Incident Report, which is signed by the parent and assistant director immediately following an incident.
In case of an emergency in the UCC facility, the children will be evacuated to Woodlawn Market at 406 East 61st St, Chicago, IL.
Medical Policy
Each child enrolled in our program must have a complete and current physical and dental examination on file. This is required by the Department of Children and Family Services Licensing Standards.
A complete physical includes:
A hemoglobin or hematocrit test to determine anemia. The doctor must include a number reading of these test results.
A TB test. The doctor must include the results on the physical form.
Current immunization records including 3 Hepatitis B vaccines.
Lead Test - The doctor must include a number reading of these test results.
Varicella vaccine.
Diabetes screening.
Any other test results the doctors find noteworthy.
A completed dental form must also be submitted before the child’s first day of school.
The Assistant Director will partner with parents to follow up on any problems reported by the doctor or dentist. They will also assist parents in making sure immunizations, medical, and dental records are kept current.
Acute Illness
If your child becomes sick during the day with a fever, diarrhea, vomiting, etc. we will notify you and will expect for you or someone you specify to collect your child from school. If your child is ill for more than three days, a doctor’s statement is required to re-enter the AITC facility.
Discharge Policy
Unfortunately, despite the best efforts of our staff, there may be a situation when a child must be discharged from the UCC program. This drastic measure will only occur after several attempts have been made to meet the child’s individual needs. The teachers at University Child Care consistently keep the best interest of the child in mind. They must also keep the health and safety of the other children in the forefront. However, certain children may demonstrate the inability to benefit from the type of care that our programs provide. Therefore, if a child’s presence is continually detrimental to the group as a whole, they will be discharged from the program.
In that case, we will provide a list of local agencies and programs which may be more beneficial to the discharged child’s growth and development.
We reserve the right to remove children and/or families from the program for the following reasons:
If a change in their age makes them ineligible for participation in the program.
When the child or family does not meet eligibility requirements.
When parents/guardians/family members display inappropriate behavior that is harmful to self or others in the classroom, building, neighborhood, play yard and on field trips.
When parents/guardians fail to provide needed information for initial or re-determination of childcare payment assistance.
When parent/guardians fail to cooperate with meetings, conferences, and/or additional planning that is needed to assist in child’s health and well-being.
When the child does not have current physical or dental exams, current immunizations, or fails to receive follow-up treatment as outlined on their health forms.
When parents do not meet the timeline for turning in important documentation.
When parents/guardians do not pay the co-payment fee or late fees.
When parents/guardians consistently pick their child or children up after their agreed pick-up time.

Communicable Diseases
Childhood disease and illness are a part of growing up. If there is a communicable disease that has been reported in the UCC facility, a notice will be posted. You are encouraged to consult your pediatrician if you have further concerns, and we will report such diseases to local health authorities if deemed necessary.
If your child has been exposed to a communicable disease outside the facility, we request that you inform the teacher and UCC immediately. Children absent due to communicable diseases may not return to the facility without a signed statement from their pediatrician indicating the child is no longer contagious and can return to the facility.
Please make sure we have an updated emergency contact number. In the event your child becomes ill, the facility Director will contact you immediately.
Illness/Exclusion Policy
Upon arrival at the center, staff will complete a visual health check of each child. If any of the symptoms listed below are observed, we ask you keep your child at home, or we will ask you to take your child home for the day. The teaching staff has been trained in caring for children who are mildly ill, but we may exclude a child with a minor illness if one of the following conditions exist:
The illness prevents the child from participating comfortably in activities.
The illness requires more care than the childcare staff can provide without compromising the health and safety of the other children.
Fever 100° or higher
Communicable rashes
Pink eye
Strep throat
Chicken pox
Severe cold
Head lice
Difficulty breathing
Any other signs of possible severe illness or communicable disease.
If a child becomes ill or shows symptoms of a contagious illness during the day, they will be removed from the class and the parent will be asked to pick up the child as soon as possible. An illness report will be sent home with the child indicating the requirements for return to school.
Your child must be fever free for 24 hours before returning to the center.
If your child is absent due to a contagious illness, a note from the doctor stating the nature of the illness and that they are free of contagion is required before re-admission. If your child is absent from school for five days due to illness, a doctor’s note is required for readmission.
Cooperation with our health policy will minimize the spread of illnesses at the center.

Medication Policy
If your child needs medication while attending the center, you must complete the medication consent form available in the nurse’s office. You must present this form, along with the medication, to the nurse.
The medication must be in the original labeled container with the child’s first and last name, the date the prescription was filled, the medication’s expiration date, and legible instructions for administration.
A copy of the physician’s prescription is also necessary. In accordance with local public health requirements, non-prescription medication shall not be dispensed unless accompanied by a doctor’s prescription.
We may administer medication to a child in the program when the following criteria exist:
When the medication dosage cannot be given at home, outside of school hours.
When refusal to administer medication in the program would pose a significant hardship or require absence from the program of a child in the recovery phase of an illness that is otherwise well enough to attend the program (such as an ear infection after the first day or so, etc.).
When a child has a chronic medical problem that may require the urgent administration of medicine (such as for asthma, severe allergies, or diabetes).
Medication will be stored and administered by a medical professional. All medication must be brought to the nurse’s office.
Prevention of Child Abuse
The administration and staff at Allison's Infant & Toddler Center are committed to ensuring that children enrolled in the program are provided positive and enriching experiences. We assist in their physical, social, and emotional development. Children are always supervised, without exception.
All staff of Allison’s Infant & Toddler Center are mandated reporters under the Abused and Neglected Child Reporting Act, which states:
“Any childcare worker or other staff, having reasonable cause to believe a child known to them in their professional or official capacity, may be an abused child or neglected child shall immediately report or cause a report to be made to the Department of Children and Family Services. Child abuse is defined as damage to a child for which there is no reasonable explanation and includes: non-accidental physical injury, emotional or verbal abuse, neglect, sexual molestation, and purposeful or inadvertent exposure to materials, conduct, or events which are inappropriate for the age and development of the children in question.”
In the event of a fire, the documented evacuation procedure will be followed. The procedure is reviewed by all staff and posted in each classroom at all the exits. Monthly fire drills help children and staff become familiar with these life-saving procedures.
In case a facility needs to be evacuated, we will move the children to
Woodlawn Market
406 East 61st Street
Chicago, IL